Flynn is the top sire of all time in the history of the breed. Almost 50 champions. Some specialty winners, Best In Show dogs, Westminster winners and top producers just like Flynn.
Flynn was a four time national specialty winner in both the United States and Canada. Flynn was a multiple Best In Show dog. Flynn was a Top Five Herding dog. Flynn was Number One Briard every year he was shown. Flynn was Best of Breed at Westminster four times. Flynn placed in the group at Westminster.
Sassy was a national specialty winner. Sassy was a multiple Best In Show dog. Sassy was a Top Ten Herding Dog. Sassy was Number One Briard every year she was shown. Sassy was Best of Breed at Westminster. Sassy placed in the group at Westminster.
Flynn died at almost 14. I believe one reason he lived so long is that he was the king...in his own mind. Up to the last day of his life Flynn viewed the world as his own. In his reality he was larger than life. His legacy is enormous. He is what sets the image of the breed in many peoples' mind's eye...in and out of the dog world. Flynn put himself on the map by who he was on the inside and who and what he was on the outside.
To me, he was my beloved...my son...my best companion for almost 14 years.
Not to mention... Flynn was Barley's grandsire, and while Barley was always and only a pet, he was MY perfect dog.
ReplyDeleteThanks for keeping Flynn around by writing about him. It is one thing to look at a show dog's accomplishments, but quite another to hear about him as a complete dog, a beloved companion.